E05 – Stories & Jokes

Miss D's Luna Si Episode 5 five


Miss D shares stories about her college internship at Bloomingdale’s, antique store employment, the mafia garbage ring, her thwarting a potential thief and some favorite jokes (including a doozy about Donald Trump and the Queen of England).


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E15 – Stories & Jokes


Miss D shares stories about airports (LAX, JFK), a bridesmaid fiasco, traveling with jewelry, her jewelry business, an Irishman’s Philosophy, a little boy who wants a bicycle and she tells jokes about nuns eating dogs in America.
Check Out Our Other Episodes!

E18 – Stories & Jokes


Miss D shares stories about exercise, Canyon Ranch in Arizona, airplane horror stories, bingo, shopping, listener George’s airplane horror stories and some funny jokes (rabbits who promise to tell them about heaven when they die and God and Adam on women and reproducing).

Check Out Our Other Episodes!